Pauline Parker

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about pauline parker

Born in Alton, Il., in 1915, Pauline was a life-long painter, a gifted teacher of art, wife and mother of three daughters. She and her husband Gilbert made an art filled home north of Chicago, where new projects were always under way. She studied landscape painting at the Art Institute of Chicago and her work was shown in several of their international watercolor exhibitions in the 1940s. In 1980 they retired to rural Wisconsin where they built another art house. Here Pauline made a series of quilts that, in mural-sized scale, told women’s stories from biblical tales, to scenes of nature, places where she’d traveled, and her own pure sense of fantasy. When she passed away in 2013, the family formed the Parker Art Legacy, LLC to preserve the work of Pauline and Gilbert and bring it to the public view.
