Call for entries: DWH @ 22North Gallery
Install: Late June, 2019 – Deinstall: Late August, 2019
Dear womanhouse will be shown at 22north gallery in Ypsilanti
Before we can select which DWH pieces are going to be shown in the 22North gallery, we need to know which pieces are available to show. Some of your pieces are traveling, no longer able to be shown, or need modification to be shown in a space beyond the house.
Unfortunately, because of the space limitations in the 22North gallery, we can’t show all the DWH pieces. We’ll curate the show by selecting only from the artwork you tell us can be shown.
Click your name to access your DWH artwork
Find your name and click it. After a few moments, you’ll be shown a list of your DWH pieces.
For each artwork, click the down arrow and select a menu option.
Feel free to add a note about each piece’s availability.
ALEXIS DEISE (no information needed)
CAM MCCOMB (no information needed)
Performances, lectures, and Artist talks
If you’re interested in doing an artist talk or performance during the 22North show, let us know below!